Wonderful support
at all times
Pastoral Care
RJ recognises that all students have the right to be treated with respect, understanding and kindness which enables them to learn in a safe environment. Similarly, all students have the responsibility to ensure the same is true for those with whom they interact, abiding by our College's ethos and showing respect to staff and one another.
RJ provides activities for students to develop their natural talents, discover new ones and build their leadership capabilities. Whilst teachers provide pastoral care and leadership opportunities so our students can thrive, it is the RJ students themselves who provide peer support and encouragement for each other. RJ students might stumble when trying new things but our environment makes this a safe place to make those early attempts. We work hard to maintain such an enabling and affirming culture.
RJ staff model Christian character, encourage positive relationships and ensure the well-being of students in their daily classroom teaching and extra-curricular experiences. Junior School Coordinators provide further support to classroom teachers, as required, to ensure that students' welfare needs are met. A College Counsellor is available to support students' short term needs.
The Junior School Code of Conduct outlines 5 key behaviours for positive learning:
- We follow directions.
- We do our best in all activities.
- We care for others and treat them politely.
- We are in the right place at the right time.
- We respect our property and other people's property.
Students who uphold the Junior School Code of Conduct to an exemplary level are acknowledged at the Junior School Presentation Night.Â
Within each class, students work with their teachers to develop a small set of Class Rules to uphold the Code of Conduct.
Negative behaviours are addressed in a respectful manner, seeking to help students understand the need to make positive choices.
The You Can Do It! program develops the social and emotional capabilities of each student through addressing five foundational areas: confidence (academic and social), persistence, organisation, getting along and emotional resilience. This program is greatly supportive of student development in this increasingly important area.
Learning Support
The Learning Support Team work alongside teaching staff to provide adjustments to ensure each student can learn to the best of their ability. They provide:
- In-class support
- Small-group intervention, including MiniLit or MacqLit programs
- Support with assessments
- Independent Learning Plans (ILP) and Individual Behaviour Plans (IBP)
- Disability provisions
Award System
General Award System
The College has a comprehensive Award System that operates across both Junior and Senior Schools. It culminates in a Principal Award. Once a student receives 4 Principal Awards, they are awarded a College Plaque on Presentation Night and recorded on the School Honour Board. Awards may be carried over from year to year.
The Award System consists of:
Tokens - Awarded in the classroom, playground or during a School activity for good conduct/behaviour. Each Token is worth one point in the House System.
Commendation - Awarded in the classroom (Secondary only) for subject achievement or improvement. Each Commendation is worth two points in the House System.
Service Credit - Awarded by the School Executive and Coordinators for a special contribution of time and effort to the life of the College. Each Service Credit is worth two points in the House System.
Special Award - Presented in the classroom when a student has accumulated ten Tokens.
Merit Certificate - Awarded at a weekly Assembly for significant academic achievement/ improvement or when a Senior School student has accumulated five Commendations. Each Merit Certificate for a Junior School student is worth ten House points.
College Service Award - Awarded at an Assembly when a student has accumulated five Service Credits. Also, this Award can be presented at the discretion of the Principal.
Principal Award - Presented at an Assembly when a student has accumulated 12 Special Awards, 6 Merit Certificates or 3 College Service Awards or a suitable combination of these categories, as determined by the Principal. This Award can be presented at the discretion of the Principal aside from eligibility via the other Award categories.
College Plaque - Awarded at Presentation Night to a student who has achieved four Principal Awards.
I have appreciated the inclusiveness of the School. I noticed a big change in my children's development since joining RJ.