Junior School


As children journey from Kindergarten through to Year 6, they move from being beginning readers to proficient readers; basic counters to capable mathematicians; and curious learners to insightful scientists and historians.

Kindergarten to Year 6

A time of extensive and exciting
academic growth

The Junior School years are a time of extensive and exciting academic growth. As children journey from Kindergarten through to Year 6, they move from being beginning readers to proficient readers; basic counters to capable mathematicians; and curious learners to insightful scientists and historians.

These early years are crucial in developing each child’s knowledge and understanding of the world and in providing them with valuable skills to be successful members of their community.

Academic success at RJ is encouraged and supported within our warm and caring Christian environment. Each child is highly valued and their individual learning needs met through extensive classroom curriculum differentiation, including appropriate consolidation and extension opportunities as required.

Technology is selectively used to enhance learning activities, whilst maintaining the essential relationship between teacher and student for optimal development.

Our College follows NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum guidelines across the six Key Learning Areas. The academic program is presented from a Christian worldview.

  1. English — includes learning activities related to speaking and listening, reading and viewing, writing and representing, imaginative, creative, critical and reflective thinking. Students are explicitly and systematically taught skills of reading and writing using evidence-based programs including InitiaLit and Spelling Mastery. Students participate in formal opportunities in Public Speaking from Years 1–6.
  2. Mathematics — includes learning activities related to Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability. All students from Years 1–6 also complete activities using the highly regarded computer-based Mathletics Program.
  3. Science and Technology — includes learning activities related to natural and made environments. Students are involved in questioning, investigating, designing, analysing and communicating.
  4. History and Geography — includes learning activities focused on how things change and how they remain the same, studies of cultures, environments and social systems and networks. Students develop understanding of historical and geographical concepts and develop inquiry skills.
  5. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) — includes learning about relationships, how we grow and change, safety, personal health choices and the benefits of an active lifestyle. The You Can Do It ! program provides the basis for Personal Development lessons. Students participate in physical activities in dance and gymnastics, and engage in a variety of games and sports. From Years 3-6 students have the opportunity to participate in inter-school sport.
  6. Creative Arts — includes activities involving art, music, drama and dance.

Additional Junior School Academic Programs include:

  • Christian Living — Bible lessons help students learn more about God and his Creation, as well as the good news about Jesus. Christian Living lessons are complemented by weekly Junior School Assemblies, in which a Bible theme is presented each Term.
  • Culture Studies — Years 3-6 learn about various cultures representative of families in our College community, promoting diversity, acceptance, tolerance and celebrating of different cultures of God's people.
  • Technology and STEM — From Kindergarten, students receive targeted instruction in computer skills, computer programs, introduction to coding, use of the Internet and the safe use of technology.
  • Library — All K-6 students have weekly library lessons in The Hive, promoting a love of reading and learning valuable research skills. All students in K-6 participate in the Premier's Reading Challenge as part of their library experience.
  • Extension and Remediation Programs provide for more individualised instruction, either 1:1, in small group settings within the classroom or in a more intensive withdrawal environment.

External Competitions

  • Chess
  • Da Vinci Challenge
  • Debating
  • IPSHA Speakers’ Challenge

Photo Gallery

RJ gives us a great opportunity to meet friendly teachers and students. Everyone tries their best and works together as a team.
Zoe Harris, Primary Vice Captain, 2020