Student Life

House System

RJ's House culture is deeply embedded across the College. Students and teachers alike share a high level of pride and loyalty for their respective Houses.


Passionate rivalry
Friendly and fair

Passionate rivalry drives our Houses as students strive to do their best to win the coveted Champion House Award, announced with great enthusiasm at Presentation.


House Banners.jpg

  • Isaiah's Eagles (green)
  • Daniel's Lions (yellow)
  • David's Rams (purple)
  • Noah's Sharks (red)

Your children will be allocated to the same House, and in Years 7-10, Home Groups are organised by House to build team spirit.

House Activities:

House Meetings, held once or twice a term, include fun activities and preparations for major Carnivals (Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics). Younger students enjoy Mini Athletics, Cross Country days and Swim Fun days.

Earning House Points:

In addition to sports activities, students earn points through Tokens and Commendations for hard work, excellent service, and the weekly General Knowledge Quiz (Years 3-12).

"I really enjoy all the sports offered at RJ."
George Peacock, Lions House Captain

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